January 16, 2020

Innovative health-coaching app for pregnant women is focus of newly funded project

Bump2Baby and Me logo, representing Liva Healthcare's newly funded project focusing on an innovative health coaching app for pregnant women. This image highlights the project's aim to support expectant mothers through personalized digital health solutions.

Bump2Baby and Me is a new project awarded funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and development programme. Led by University College Dublin, this five-year project will address weight management during and after pregnancy.

The goal of the ‘Bump2Baby and Me’ project is to deliver implementable solutions for hospitals and health service providers to better support women during pregnancy and the critical first year, via health coaching on healthy eating and physical activity.

The €4.4M project brings together a team of world-leaders in maternal and child health alongside a cutting-edge mobile health technology company.  The team is looking to address the issues of obesity and overweight in pregnancy through an innovative app that links to a real health coach, tailoring weight management for each mum and helping them to give their baby the best start around feeding and active play. The study of the health coaching app is going to run in maternity hospitals in Ireland, the UK, Spain and Australia.

Project coordinator Dr Sharleen O’Reilly explains: “One in two pregnancies now have obesity or overweight issues, which are strongly linked to a risk of developing diabetes in the mother and children. We are therefore delighted to be funded and excited to work on research that will make a positive contribution to society.”

Bump2Baby and Me is a five-year project with a total grant of €4million from Horizon 2020 and additional funding from Australia. The project started on 1st January and a comprehensive website will be launched in May 2020. To keep up-to-date with the project’s progress follow @bump2babyandme on Twitter.

About Bump2Baby and Me

Grant Name:

Impact Diabetes B2B


  • University College Dublin (Coordinator), Ireland;
  • Aarhus University, Denmark;
  • Beta Technology Ltd, UK;
  • Deakin University, Australia;
  • Liva Healthcare, Denmark;
  • Monash University, Australia;
  • North Bristol NHS Trust;
  • University of Bristol, UK;
  • University of Copenhagen, Denmark;
  • University of Granada, Spain.

The Impact Diabetes B2B  project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 847984

About Horizon 2020

Europe has a 10-year growth and jobs strategy called Europe 2020. It was launched in 2010 to create the conditions for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Five headline targets have been agreed for the European Union to achieve by the end of 2020, covering employment, research and development, climate/energy, education, and social inclusion and poverty reduction.

Europe has identified new engines to boost growth and jobs; these are addressed by seven ‘flagship initiatives’. Within each initiative both the European Union and national authorities have to coordinate their efforts, so they are mutually reinforcing. ‘Innovation Union’ is one such flagship initiative. ‘Innovation Union’ is the European Union strategy to create an innovation-friendly environment that makes it easier for great ideas to be turned into products and services that will bring our economy growth and jobs.

Horizon 2020 is the financial instrument implementing the Innovation Union and:

  • Has a budget of nearly €80 billion for the period 2014-2020 which makes it the biggest European Union Research and Development programme ever.
  • Is open to everyone.
  • Has three priorities (Industrial Leadership, Excellent Science and Societal Change); each of which has a number of sections with a different focus and each section has a detailed work programme.


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